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CPCL Polytechnic College


CPCL Polytechnic College, founded by CPCL Educational Trust, stands out as a premier center of technical learning with a mission of pursuing excellence in technical education.

Vision & Mission

CPCL Polytechnic College is committed to develop a culture of technology, generate a steady stream of qualified, competent, dedicated and disciplined diploma

Latest News

CPCL Polytechnic College Achievements

Overall Championship trophy in SCIMATECH-12

Our College students participated in the SCIMATECH-12, which was the celebration of 125th Birth Anniversary of maths wizard SRINIVASA RAMANUJAN by Sri Subramanya College of engineering & technology, Palani on 22nd December 2012.

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History Of CPCL Polytechnic College

1988 - Establishment of CPCL Educational Trust

1989 - Commencement of Part time course in Diploma in Petro Chemical Engineering

1994 - Commencement of Full time course in Diploma in Petro Chemical Engineering

2000 - Commencement of Full time course in Diploma in Mechanical Engineering

2007 - Commencement of Full time course in Diploma in Electronics and Communication Engineering

Courses We Offered

Diploma in Petro Chemical Engineering

The Diploma course in Petro Chemical Engineering focuses on imparting theoretical and practical knowledge in design, development, operation and maintenance of processes involving Petro Chemical Engineering & Technology. The department places an emphasis on nurturing the innovative ability of students.

Project Work

  • Bio-Fermentation Process
  • Prototype Fuel Cell Development
  • Reaction Engineering Studies
  • Computerized Fluid Dynamics
  • Development of Health Care Products

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Diploma in Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering is one of the core fields of Engineering, covering Thermal, Design and Production streams. From automotive to production, from engine technology to air conditioning and from designing to fabricating, Mechanical engineering has a lot of scope for Research, Development and Employment.


  • To impart in-depth knowledge and training in the field of Mechanical engineering covering energy, thermal, design, manufacturing, industrial management, environment
  • To expose students to the latest research, development and techniques, so as to cater to the growing needs of the industries

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Diploma in Electronics and Communication Engineering

The diploma course in Electronics & Communications Engineering focuses on communication technologies of the future. The Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering is equipped with excellent facilities.


  • To propagate and disseminate knowledge in Electronics and Communication Engineering discipline to the society through the student and faculty.
  • To encourage students to serve social causes by Application of their specialized knowledge paving way to Better life for Humanity.

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  • National Service Scheme (NSS)
  • Youth Red Cross (YRC)
  • Red Ribbon Club (RRC)

Educational Trust

Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited (erstwhile MRL) one of the major corporations, having a dominant presence in South India formed the CPCL Education Trust in April 1988 with a view to upgrade the technical knowledge of the serving personnel in the Petroleum

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If A is success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut
-- Albert Einstein

Objectives of the CPCL Polytechnic College

  • To provide the students with Quality Education.
  • To make a positive difference to society through education.
  • To empower students from across socio economic strata to level the playing field.
  • To provide excellent infrastructure facilities and well qualified teaching faculty.
  • To raise itself as a center of excellence in technical education through integrated academic approach and industrial consultancy services.
  • To provide other opportunities, which will enhance the personality development, individual discipline, spiritual awakening, moral values and social awareness.
  • To be a centre of excellence in education in emerging technologies in tandem with industry and industry trends.
  • To nurture talent & entrepreneurship and enable all-round personality development in students.
